Concord, NC

Pastor Hahn's Thoughts...

What do you make of the statement, "every ending is also a beginning"?
Lyn and I love the Christmas season and all that it entails and all that goes with it. We dread the moment when the Christmas season gives way to the Epiphany season which begins on January 6, Epiphany Day, also known as "Three Kings Day" in some parts of the world.
Every year we conspire with each other to delay the undecorating and removal of the Christmas decorations and the Christmas tree. This year was no different.

The undecorating was a bitter-sweet experience as many of our ornaments have special memories attached to them or connect us to special people or special occasions in our lives. So, the undecorating gets interrupted with us recalling special moments, reliving special experiences, and remembering special people.

Eventually, all decorations are put away and we are free to begin living in the season of Epiphany (which means "shining through"), also known as the Season of Light.
In my home village, in groups of three, altar boys and girls and confirmands would go from house to house to bless each house, marking the front doors thusly:" 20 C+M+B 25 (for 2025)." The letters stand for what legends tell us are the alleged first names of the wise men.

I have used this season to offer complete house blessings or simple doorstep blessings of homes and apartments to the congregations I served. I would like to offer the same to you, my Calvary church family.

If you like a full house blessing or a simple and quick door step blessing, please contact me at or through the church office.

God's Peace, Pastor Hahn

On Sunday, August 4th, Pastor Hahn began serving Calvary as our interim pastor.

The Rev. Dr. Norbert Hahn—who likes to be called “Pastor Hahn”—brings an international perspective with him as he has been educated, lived, and served in both the United States and Germany.

He completed his graduate education at the University of Muenster in Germany (Master of Theological Studies), Harvard University (Master of Divinity), and Emory University (PhD in Theology and Psychology). In addition, he has been trained as a church coach, a church growth consultant, and an intentional interim pastor.

He has served as parish pastor in Georgia, North Carolina (including twelve years here in Concord), Pennsylvania and Northern Germany and as campus minister at three different universities in the U.S.

Pastor Hahn will be serving as Calvary’s interim pastor on a part-time basis while continuing to serve as part-time Lutheran campus minister at Winthrop University in Rock Hill, SC.
He enjoys walking, cooking, and gardening with his wife, Lyn, playing his guitar, reading, and, occasionally, binge-watching an interesting TV series.

He and Lyn serve as staff to their cat, Lulu.