Concord, NC

Worship and Music at Calvary

Music has a central role in worship for Lutherans everywhere.

At Calvary we offer our voices in praise during our worship. Calvary has several choirs and musical ensembles that support our congregation during worship.

All are welcome and encouraged to participate in our musical groups!

Chancel Choir

Ages: High school through Adult
Meets: Sunday at 10:00
Contact: Ken Young

The Chancel Choir leads the music for our traditional worship service at 11:00.

Our highly regarded choir leads the congregation through the various settings of our Evangelical Lutheran Worship (ELW). They provide anthems that range from Bach to Rutter or newer classics.

Each year, the Chancel Choir leads in seasonal services during Lent and Advent.

All singers are encouraged to share their talents!

Dove Worship Team

Ages: Middle school through Adult
Meets: Thursday at 7:00
Contact: Renee Friday

The Dove Worship Team leads the music for our informal worship service at 8:30. The Dove Ensemble also leads music for the family services held for Advent, Lent, and Christmas Eve.

Music selections come from popular songs in the CCLI and OneLicense catalogs and include many standard songs of the Via de Cristo renewal movement.

Current instrumentation includes keyboard, guitar, vocals, and drums.

New singers and other musicians are always welcome!


Ages: High school through Adult
Meets:Wednesday at 6:30
Contact: Renee Friday

Carillon is Calvary's handbell choir. Carillon participates in worship four or five times each year. We also participate annually in the Capital Area Handbell Festival in Raleigh each November.

We have four octaves of bells. We play music of varying degrees of musical difficulty. Reading music is recommended, but not mandatory.

If you are interested, you are welcome to participate!