Concord, NC
Our Mission:
Growing in compassionate relationships, faith, service, and generosity through Christ

Our Vision:
Sharing the Light of Christ with everyone.
If you came here looking for a church home, we have a Welcome Brochure you can read. Please click here to see the brochure. 
Sunday, January 12, 2025
The Baptism of Our Lord

Services are delayed from usual times of 8:30 and 11:00 on Sunday, January 12! See below:

9:45 am - Contemporary Service
11:11 am - Traditional Service

Readings for Sunday

Isaiah 43:1-7
When you pass through the waters, do not fear, for I am with you
Psalm 29
The voice of the Lord is upon the waters. (Ps. 29:3)
Acts 8:14-17
Prayer and laying on of hands for the Holy Spirit
Luke 3:15-17, 21-22
The baptism of Jesus with the descent of the Holy Spirit

Looking back...
There was one service of Lessons & Carols on Sunday, December 29
10:00 am Service of Lessons & Carols
There were two services on Christmas Eve, Tuesday, December24
5:00 pm Family Candlelight Service
9:00 pm Traditional Candlelight Service
Tap a link above to see a recording of the service of your choice

The Baptism of our Lord

Today’s festival rejoices in God’s blessings. We recall and celebrate our adoption as God’s children, the gift of the Holy Spirit, and the promised company of almighty God when we “pass through the waters . . . the rivers . . . fire.” 

On this day the heavens open again for this assembly, and we receive the gift of God’s Beloved, Jesus, in bread and wine.
Tap here  to read Pastor Hahn's thoughts on the season this week!

Consider Joining Us

Church Council
We would love for you to join our church family.
We have a Welcome Brochure you can read. Please click here to see the brochure..

You can also reach out to us by email to  for more information about joining our congregation.
Altar Flowers
Supplying the altar flowers for a Sunday worship is a beautiful way to glorify God and to commemorate a specific date in your life or to honor a living or deceased love ones. The cost for a vase of flowers is $50.00. Pots of Luck Florist is our supplier.

The Altar Flower chart, which lists available Sundays in 2025, is posted on the bulletin board across from the restrooms. Order forms to be completed and submitted to the church office are next to the chart or you can download the form here. Please submit your completed order form along with a check made out to Calvary Lutheran Church and indicate "altar flowers" on the memo line.

 Orders for a specific date should be submitted one month in advance.
Several expressions of the Lutheran Church have sprung into action to provide assistance and relief: On the national level, Lutheran Disaster Response. In the Carolinas, Lutheran Disaster Response in the Carolinas, and in our state, The North Carolina Synod Disaster Fund which is used to support affected NC congregations.

By clicking on the links you can learn about each organization's approach, obtain helpful information that you may want to pass on if you know folks in the affected areas, and you can make a special donation.

You may want to pay special attention to LDR Carolinas' blog and to this helpful checklist from Pastor Rusty Kehl, a former contractor, on how storm-affected people might want to deal with contractors. (If you know someone affected, you may want to share that document with him/her.)

Growing in Faith 
Adult Learning and Discussion Opportunities

Sunday Mornings at 9:45am
in the fellowship hall.
This Sunday, January 12th, you are invited to the second session of a new study entitled "The Gods Aren't Angry" by Rob Bell.

The class will be lead by David and Beth Deal. Come and grow in faith and knowledge.
Discipleship Class
Sunday evenings at 5pm in the church parlor
We are studying “The Chosen” season 3. Click here for more information.
Wednesday Bible Study
Our Wednesday morning Bible Study meets on Wednesday mornings at 11:30 am at the Concord Sports Center.

On Wednesday, January 8th at 11:30 we resumed our study of the book of James with chapter 3. All are welcome!
Join Us for next Month's Pub Night
We get together for Pub Night on the first Thursday of each month. We would love to see you if you can make it next month!

Check back here for the time and place of February's gathering!
Our Nativity Crew

Calvary's Nativity is back this year!

Tom Miller, Johnny Fink, Bryan Gabriel, Walt Friday, David Fowler, Rick Grochoske, Gary Fritz, Steve DuPont, and Dave Hunkele constructed our nativity scene again this year. A special thank you to Dave, Bryan, and Steve who came and repaired the stable after it suffered extensive damage from heavy rain and winds.

Calvary's Community Outreach

Every day, the people of Calvary are putting their Christian faith into action. We partner with local and international organizations such as Cooperative Christian Ministry, Winecoff Elementary School, Samaritan’s Purse, ELCA World Hunger Appeal, and Habitat for Humanity to lend a hand with hunger, housing, and education needs in our community and world. We hope that you will use this calendar to put your faith into action, live the greatest commandment, and be a disciple of Christ in 2024.

Tap here to view Calvary's Community Outreach Calendar for 2024

The Youth News is Back!

Our new  Youth Director, Kasi Wilson, has reinstituted the Youth News newsletter. Tap the image above to see the latest edition.

Recently we welcomed six new members into the Calvary church family as new partners in ministry and mission.

Christmas Parade Float

Calvary Lutheran Church has placed 2nd for churches in the Concord Christmas Parade! Thank you to all of you elves for donating, decorating and participating.

All toys on the float were donated to Toys for Tots of Cabarrus County.
Our Mission:
To grow in compassionate relationships, faith, service, and generosity through Christ
Services are Sunday mornings at 8:30am & 11:00am unless otherwise stated on the Latest Info Page
The red marker in the center of the map shows our location:
950 Bradley St
Concord, NC 28025