Concord, NC

Calvary Lutheran Church 11:00 AM Worship

Oct 20, 2024    Pastor Norbert Hahn

Two of the readings show how awesome God is. In the Jeremiah reading, God takes the initiative and promises to re-build God’s relationship with the people of Israel and Judah after they had broken it. This means a “clean slate.” The Psalm reveals this awesome God as the owner of the earth, the world, and those who live in it. Human beings are the caretakers (stewards) of it all. First Corinthians teaches that caretaking includes taking care of others in need (i.e., the Christians in Jerusalem) by setting aside a financial offering on the first day of each week. According to the Gospel reading, caretaking also involves taking care of oneself, especially one’s heart. Jesus warns against spiritual heart disease by encouraging his followers to be on guard against all kinds of greed. To know if our heart-health is in the safe zone, we look at what we do with what God has given us first. After all, where our treasure is, there our hearts will be also.