Concord, NC
Our Mission:
Growing in compassionate relationships, faith, service, and generosity through Christ

Our Vision:
Sharing the Light of Christ with everyone.
If you came here looking for a church home, we have a Welcome Brochure you can read. Please click here to see the brochure. 

Tap Here to Learn about Mid-week Lenten Worship Opportunities

Prepared for us weekly by Pastor Hahn!
Sunday, March 23, 2025
Third Sunday in Lent

Two Services
(Tap on a link below to view the Bulletin of your choice)
8:30 AM - Contemporary Service
11:00 AM-Traditional Service

Readings for this Sunday
(Tap on a link below to view the reading of your choice)
Amos 5:21-24 (The Message)
Isaiah 55:1-9
Matthew 23:23-28
Looking back...tap a button below to view recent video recordings
Our spiritual journey through the season of Lent is grounded, among other things, in Ash Wednesday, particularly in these words of the liturgy: " we confess to you and to one another, and to the whole communion of saints in heaven and on earth, that we have sinned ...."

This Sunday, we are continuing with our special series, "Alright, God, I have sinned--but my excuses are really good" by looking at some sins that seem "little” and fall into the "gray areas" of life and, therefore, are easy to rationalize. Yet, when committed, these sins, too, can do real harm.

Consider Joining Us

Church Council
We would love for you to join our church family.
We have a Welcome Brochure you can read. Please click here to see the brochure..

You can also reach out to us by email to  for more information about joining our congregation.

Our church Mission Statement includes a goal of 'Growing in Compassionate Relationships', in which we strive to make everyone feel welcomed, supported, spiritually fed, and encouraged to serve.

Please come join us in this quest!
Altar Flowers
Supplying the altar flowers for a Sunday worship is a beautiful way to glorify God and to commemorate a specific date in your life or to honor a living or deceased love ones. The cost for a vase of flowers is $50.00. Pots of Luck Florist is our supplier.

The Altar Flower chart, which lists available Sundays in 2025, is posted on the bulletin board across from the restrooms. Order forms to be completed and submitted to the church office are next to the chart or you can download the form here. Please submit your completed order form along with a check made out to Calvary Lutheran Church and indicate "altar flowers" on the memo line.

 Orders for a specific date should be submitted one month in advance.
Midweek Worship Opportunities during Lent
Live on ZOOM: Wednesdays, 7:50 PM to 8:15 PM

Viewable and downloadable: The next day and thereafter...

The series began on Wednesday, March 12

On Wednesday, March 26 you can attend:
Click here to access the Zoom link.
Meeting ID 881 0404 2718
(Please log in between 7:45 and 7:49 PM)

If you missed Part One, you can access it by tapping HERE.

Part Two of our Lenten series, "Created for Community" is also available for online viewing. Tap HERE to view it.

Please report any audio or video issues to the office. Thanks!

Growing in Faith 
Adult Learning and Discussion Opportunities

Sunday Mornings at 9:45am
in the fellowship hall.
You are invited to join us as we view and discuss a video presentation by Rob Bell titled "Everything is Spiritual."

The class will be lead by David and Beth Deal. Come and grow in faith and knowledge.
Discipleship Class
Sunday evenings at 5pm in the church parlor
We are studying “The Chosen” season 3. Click here for more information.
Wednesday Bible Study
Our Bible Study meets on Wednesday mornings at 11:30 am at the Concord Sports Center. The address is 233 Country Club Dr NE, Concord.

On February 5th, we began a study of Daniel, chapter by chapter. Please come join us. All are welcome!


On Tuesday, March 5, we had our annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake dinner. It was a great success! 
Order Your Easter Geraniums by March 23
Help us decorate Calvary’s sanctuary for the Resurrection of Our Lord, Easter Sunday, April 20, 2025. We hope to have  a geranium flower tree and will need approximately 90 geraniums to fill it.  

Geraniums are available in choice of pink or white. The cost is $9.50 each.

 Please click here to download and print an order form or use this link to order online and remit payment to Calvary either in the weekly offering, by mail, or by using online giving. Remember to indicate "Easter Flowers" in the memo.

Calvary's Community Outreach

Every day the people of Calvary are putting their Christian faith into action. We partner with local and international organizations such as Cooperative Christian Ministry, Winecoff Elementary School, Samaritan’s Purse, ELCA World Hunger Appeal, and Habitat for Humanity to lend a hand with hunger, housing, and education needs in our community and world.

In FEBRUARY our Calvary community helped  to supply a meal for My Father's House on February 4th.

Tap here to access Calvary's Community Outreach Calendar for 2025.

Youth News for March, 2025

Tap the image above to see the March, 2025 edition.

Recently we welcomed six new members into the Calvary church family as new partners in ministry and mission.
Our Mission:
To grow in compassionate relationships, faith, service, and generosity through Christ
Services are Sunday mornings at 8:30am & 11:00am unless otherwise stated on the Latest Info Page
The red marker in the center of the map shows our location:
950 Bradley St
Concord, NC 28025